Upload your CV and kickstart your career

Let eRam make job hunting easier for you. Simply upload your CV and our advanced AI will recommend you to the companies where your profile fits best.
Automation software concept with businesswoman and artificial intelligence


AI communicates with people through network servers


Headhunter Selects New Business Person


Find Your Dream Job with eRam

Upload your CV to eRam Intelligence and let us help you discover the best job opportunities on the market. Our AI-driven platform matches your CV with relevant jobs without you having to worry about keywords.

Benefits of Uploading Your CV to eRam:

  • No Keywords Needed: Our AI is trained to understand context and deep competencies, so you don't need to think about specific keywords.
  • Proactive Job Matching: Our AI identifies the most relevant job opportunities, even if you're not actively searching.
  • Anonymity and Security: Your CV is anonymized and protected with our RAM-Number system.
  • Fair and Transparent Process: Every candidate gets a real chance, and the process is 100% transparent.
  • Upload your CV to eRam Intelligence and let us help you find your dream job.
  • Search for "AI recruitment" or "intelligent job matching" and discover how we can transform your job hunt.

Let eRam Intelligence Find Your Next Job

Upload your CV to eRam Intelligence and let our AI do the work for you. No need to apply for jobs – our advanced AI will match your profile with relevant job openings and recommend you to companies that fit your skills and experience.

Navigate Our Helpful Resources

What happens if a company wants to contact me?

 If a company is interested in proceeding with the recruitment process with you, they must contact eRam. We will then send you an email requesting your approval to share your contact information with the company. You have full control over which companies gain access to your personal details.

What is eRam's RAM-Number system?

eRam's RAM-Number system is designed to ensure your anonymity and protect your personal information during the recruitment process. When you upload your CV to eRam, you are assigned a unique RAM-Number. This number is used to identify you instead of your name and other personal details.

How does the RAM-Number system work?

When a company uploads a job listing to eRam, our AI analyzes your CV and matches it with relevant job opportunities. If your profile fits a job opening, the company will receive your RAM-Number and an anonymized description of your skills and experience. Your name and contact information are not shared at this point.

How is my data protected?

We take data protection very seriously. All your personal information is handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws. When a company requests access to your contact information, we will always contact you first to obtain your permission.

What happens if I do not want to share my contact information with a company?

If you do not wish to share your contact information with a particular company, you can simply decline the request. Your anonymity will remain protected, and the company will not gain access to your personal details.